Category "xcode11"

Swiftui - How do I initialize an observedObject using an environmentobject as a parameter?

I'm not sure if this is an antipattern in this brave new SwiftUI world we live in, but essentially I have an @EnvironmentObject with some basic user information

Add dependency on a local swift package in Xcode 11

I am trying to add a dependency on a local swift package in my Xcode project. (I don't want to add a dependency using a file url file://me/dev/app/package as th

How to generate JSON coverage report with Xcode 11?

I've run unit tests from the command line like this: xcodebuild \ -resultBundlePath Example.xcresult \ -workspace Example.xcworkspace \ -scheme Exa

UIApplicationDidChangeStatusBarOrientationNotification is deprecated, any alternative?

I have changed my app target to IOS 13 to check the deprecated methods in my app and I am getting below warning: 'UIApplicationDidChangeStatusBarOrientati

Navigation stuff in SwiftUI

I'm trying to figure out how to use the navigation bar in SwiftUI I want to put BarButtonItem and images inside the NavigationBar I have been able to display

Is it possible to install Xcode 11 on High Sierra (10.13.6)?

I have a Mac early 2011 running MacOS high sierra 10.13.6. My Mac can't upgrade to higher MacOS versions. I need to install XCode 11 to take advantage of Swift

Xcode Canvas for SwiftUI previews does not show up

I´m trying to get the new Canvas feature from Xcode 11 running, but the Canvas won´t show up. What am I doing wrong? This new Xcode feature should s

Xcode 11.5 Rename Refactor failed when trying to rename variable

When I try to re-name any variable, Xcode give me the following error: I have tried restarting Xcode but the same thing happens. Any ideas how to fix?

ITMS-90424: Invalid Swift Support

I am trying to upload my app to the app store. I can archive my app and successfully upload to App Store Connect, however, it keeps getting rejected with the fo

SwiftUI : How to set image in MacOs?

please help me to set image in macOs application using swiftUI Here is my Implementation: import SwiftUI struct SigninView: View { var body: some View {

unsigned xcarchive aps environment missing

I want to share unsigned xcarchive. To make unsigned xcarchive. I set Provisional profile and Signing Certificate as None. I have crated Xcarchive with below co

SwiftUI - text gets truncated after embedded on a ScrollView

When added a long text inside a text view, it works as expected (not truncated). Xcode 11.0 beta 6 (11M392q) import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { v

UIHostingController and navigationController

Default swift project with view controller embedded in navigationController and pushing to next UIHostingController. How to call navigationController?.popViewC

SwiftUI - How can I blur the default background color of a view?

no code to show here, but I would like to know how it may be possible to do this. I have tried to use .blur(radius: (20) on a view, but it tends to blur the

Could not find module for target 'x86_64-apple-ios-simulator'

I have my custom framework and it works properly in XCode 10. I rebuild it in XCode 11 beta 3, then integrated into the app, and get the following error: Could

Compiler error: Invalid library file - CoreLocation

I have one of my application, that is created in Xcode 8. I have used CoreLocation and MapKit in that app. I have update app with latest iOS till now. and it w

Excluding files in Swift Packages

To exclude entire sections of a file, I can use macros to target platforms such as #if os(iOS) || os(watchOS). Is there a way to do this in Package.swift, or

Getting 'no such module' error when importing a Swift Package Manager dependency

I'm running Xcode 11 Beta 4. I'm using CocoaPods, and wanted to use one of my dependencies with Swift Package Manager as a static library instead of as a framew

Open multiple previews at the same time in SwiftUI

I know we can open multiple previews of different screens at the same time in SwiftUI. Can anyone help me with the steps to achieve that?