Category "zend-framework"

Zend Framework 1.2 - Error Table doesn't exists - even though the table already exists in MySQL

We’re on Zend 1.12 with security and php7.4 compatibility updates. Since this is a legacy application with very littl

PHP Laminas DoctrineObjectInputFilter get value of other property in Callback input filter

I am working with Laminas DoctrineObjectInputFilter and want to get value of other property in Callback input filter like this code is in init function of Filte

Check if my GET request has Header: Token

I want to send a request with or without 'Token' as a header. If request has 'Token' as a header: if the user already has that item, it will return the item wit

Laminas / ZF3: Add manually Error to a field

is it possible to add manually an Error Message to a Field after Field Validation and Input Filter ? I would need it in case the Username and Password is wrong,

Failed loading /usr/local/IonCube/

I just cloned a website from one server to another using cPanel import tool (probably this last part is not relevant) The site is a Magento CE store. The new

Query with MySQL event

I try to perform this query with Zend DB: $this->db->query(" CREATE EVENT turn_tonormal ON SCHEDULE AT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP + INTERVA