Category "spacy-3"

Warning: [W108] The rule-based lemmatizer did not find POS annotation for the token 'This'

What this message is about? How do I remove this warning message? import scispacy import spacy import en_core_sci_lg from spacy_langdetect import LanguageDetect

Use Keras Neural Translation Model (h5 format model) in spacy v3

first 'im not a developer by trade, my developer is not available for health reasons but i have some experience in python/spacy development. I need some guidanc

Add custom NER to Spacy 3 pipeline

I am trying to build a custom Spacy pipeline based off the en_core_web_sm pipeline. From what I can tell the ner has been added correctly as it is displayed in

Could not find function 'spacy-transformers.TransformerModel.v3' in function registry 'architectures'

I was trying to create a custom NER model. I used spacy library to create the model. And this line of code is to create the config file from the base.config fil

Cant load spacy en_core_web_trf

As the self guide says, I've installed it with (conda environment) conda install -c conda-forge spacy python -m spacy download en_core_web_trf I have spacy-tra