'chunks file urls problem in laravel and vuejs

i am developing a web application with laravel and vue i deploy application in this route in host:


anything is true but chunks file have wrong path and refer to:


for example:

https://novintech.info/js/home.js //this is chunk file

how to refrence this file to:


please help. thanks

Solution 1:[1]

problem solved by adding output.publicPath property in webpackconfig

  output: {
    publicPath: 'https://novintech.info/info/public/',

Solution 2:[2]

Once you ran the production script, go to the file generated folder public/, open the file app.js in an editor. Research for js/chunk and replace it by info/public/js/chunk.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 Thierry Otis