'cloning a bitbucket project in AndroidStudio

I try to clone a project from Bitbucket into Android Studio. The project was originally published from Eclipse.

But I get the error:

Clone failed. Failed to start Git process.

What I have done so far:

  1. Installed a Bitbucket plugin: https://bitbucket.org/dmitry_cherkas/jetbrains-bitbucket-connector/downloads (http://www.goprogramming.space/connecting-android-studio-project-with-bitbucket/)

  2. Then VCS -> checkout from Version Control -> Bitbucket

I get a login screen. I logged into Bitbucket and I could see the list of my projects (WOW!) Then selecting a project and press ok. -> Clone failed. Failed to start Git process.

Any help on how I can clone a Bitbucket repository?

Solution 1:[1]

The 3rd party for bitbucket plugin on android studio seems not work. You can try below steps to clone a bitbucket repo:

VCS -> Git -> clone -> paste bitbucket URL repo -> clone.

It can clone successfully.

Solution 2:[2]

Go to repository in BitBucket to the top right there is button called Clone Click on it copy the link

Now go to android studio Click >VCS>CheckOutFromVersionControl>Git Now paste the link remove the git clone at the start of the link Click Okay

Solution 3:[3]

For using BitBucket plugin you need to install git on your system too.

Install git on Linux using following command in terminal:

sudo apt-get install git

Windows & Mac OS X:

git tutorial | Install git

Solution 4:[4]

For cloning project from BitBucket we should have git software in our system.

Then Go to your destination folder --> right click and select "Git Bash Here"

It will open the command prompt --> here you can type as "git clone your source path".

The above steps are worked for me.

Solution 5:[5]

Below answer may help to someone.

I cloned my project from Bitbucket to Android studio old version. It was working fine. But when I update my Android studio to Bumblebee | 2021.1.1 Patch 3, I faced lot of issues. I unable to pull, commit & push.

I plan to do new clone. I unable to clone, I got Clone failed error messages. Then I figured out the issue.

First tried with HTTPS clone, it was not working. Next time I tried with SSH clone, it was working fine.

So please check with SSH way. You can get it.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Marina Liu
Solution 2 Smit_02
Solution 3 global_warming
Solution 4 Kona Suresh
Solution 5 Thirumalvalavan