'Contract in bsctestnet cannot be verified

I tried to deploy my tokens on BSC testnet using Remix, but I always get an error when I verify. I tried a lot of methods, but still no solution. In fact the generated Bytecodes are not wrong, but I don't know why they wouldn't match.

Solidity code verification

Compiler output

This is the address of the contract:0xf55d321ae5978b002c99bc853a208fae1a4b0ffb

The address of the library used is: 0x17382221cdE0e4F17806371d4B79Cb1b8d9958aD name:IterableMapping

code: https://gist.github.com/87302380/232d98a925cfe591610c49295c077c98

The code is from Dogeback, I just modified some of the addresses on the test net. The rest is exactly the same. Can anyone help me?


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