'Convert pixel location to latitude/longitude & vise versa

I need to convert latitude longitude values into pixel positions as well as do the opposite. I've found many solutions to go from lat/lng->pixel, but can't find anything on the reverse.

A couple of notes:

  • The map is a fixed size, no zooming, no tiles.
  • I don't need anything super accurate, its not important.
  • Preferably mercator projection, but not required. I'm not actually display the result. (Any 2D projection)
  • I can't rely on any web based API's, ie: no Google Maps

A solution in almost any programming language would be fine, as long as it doesn't rely on any platform specific APIs.

This is an example of going from lat/lng->pixel:

var y = Math.round(((-1 * lat) + 90) * (this.MAP_HEIGHT / 180));
var x = Math.round((lng + 180) * (this.MAP_WIDTH / 360));

Solution 1:[1]

var y = Math.round(((-1 * lat) + 90) * (this.MAP_HEIGHT / 180));
var x = Math.round((lng + 180) * (this.MAP_WIDTH / 360));

Use some algebra and I came out with:

var lat=(y/(this.MAP_HEIGHT/180)-90)/-1
var lng = x/(this.MAP_WIDTH/360)-180

Not completely confident in that math since it was done in my head, but those should work, just make sure to test them first.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 ChristopheCVB