'Coupon daily time range in WooCommerce
I'm tying to enable the use of coupons to a range of hours in Woocommerce without success.
Based on Discount on specific products based on a daily time range in Woocommerce answer, my code is:
// Utility function that gives the discount daily period
function get_discount_period_rate(){
// Set the correct time zone (http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php)
// Set the start time and the end time
$start_time = mktime( 08, 00, 00, date("m") , date("d"), date("Y") );
$end_time = mktime( 09, 00, 00, date("m") , date("d"), date("Y") );
$time_now = strtotime("now");
// Set the coupon Ids that will be discounted
$wc_coupon = new WC_Coupon('integralia10'); // get intance of wc_coupon which code is "integralia10"
if (!$wc_coupon || !$wc_coupon->is_valid()) {
$coupon_code = $wc_coupon->get_code();
if (!$coupon_code) {
Also, I Would like to use the wc_print_notices
function to show a message when somemeone try to use the Coupon code out of time range.
Any Sugestion?
Solution 1:[1]
With the following code, all coupons that fall within a certain time frame will be valid, if not, an error message will be displayed.
Please set:
- The correct time zone
- The start and end time
function time_range() {
// Set the correct time zone (http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php)
date_default_timezone_set( 'Europe/Brussels' );
// Set the start time and the end time to be valid
$start_time = mktime( 11, 00, 00, date( 'm' ), date( 'd' ), date( 'y' ) );
$end_time = mktime( 18, 00, 00, date( 'm' ), date( 'd' ), date( 'y' ) );
$time_now = strtotime( 'now' );
// Return true or false
return $start_time <= $time_now && $end_time >= $time_now ? true : false;
// Is valid
function filter_woocommerce_coupon_is_valid( $valid, $coupon, $discount ) {
// Call function, return true or false
$valid = time_range();
// NOT valid
if ( ! $valid ) {
throw new Exception( __( 'My custom error message.', 'woocommerce' ), 109 );
return $valid;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_coupon_is_valid', 'filter_woocommerce_coupon_is_valid', 10, 3 );
UPDATE: To apply the same, but only to certain coupons ID's, use this instead.
function time_range_coupon_id( $coupon_id ) {
// For specific coupon ID's only, several could be added, separated by a comma
$specific_coupons_ids = array( 107, 108 );
// Coupon ID in array, so check
if ( in_array( $coupon_id, $specific_coupons_ids ) ) {
// Set the correct time zone (http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php)
date_default_timezone_set( 'Europe/Brussels' );
// Set the start time and the end time to be valid
$start_time = mktime( 12, 00, 00, date( 'm' ), date( 'd' ), date( 'y' ) );
$end_time = mktime( 17, 00, 00, date( 'm' ), date( 'd' ), date( 'y' ) );
$time_now = strtotime( 'now' );
// Return true or false
return $start_time <= $time_now && $end_time >= $time_now ? true : false;
// Default
return true;
// Is valid
function filter_woocommerce_coupon_is_valid( $valid, $coupon, $discount ) {
// Get coupon ID
$coupon_id = $coupon->get_id();
// Call function, return true or false
$valid = time_range_coupon_id( $coupon_id );
// NOT valid
if ( ! $valid ) {
throw new Exception( __( 'My error message', 'woocommerce' ), 109 );
return $valid;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_coupon_is_valid', 'filter_woocommerce_coupon_is_valid', 10, 3 );
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Source: Stack Overflow
Solution | Source |
Solution 1 |