'Cypress - How can I check Google Events fired before the new page loads

This is the scenario:

  • User accesses index.com
  • Clicks the X button
  • A Google Analytic event is fired here <-- I want to check this event
  • User is redirected to a new page <-- Events are not longer here

This is my code:

describe("Desktop - Listing details - Google Analytics", () => {
  slugs.forEach((slug, index) => {
    context(`For ${slugs[index]}`, () => {
      beforeEach(() => {
        const ga = cy.stub().as("ga");
        cy.on("window:before:load", win => {
          Object.defineProperty(win, "ga", {
            configurable: false,
            get: () => ga, // always return the stub
            set: () => {} // don't allow actual google analytics to overwrite this property

      context("Navigation tab", () => {
        it("Pricing tab", function() {
          cy.get(`[class="nav-links"] > li`)
            .click(); // Here a new page loads and the events are not longer present
          cy.get("@ga").should(`be.calledWith`, `send`, {
            hitType: "event",
            eventCategory: "navigation-bar",
            eventAction: "go-to_product_pricing",
            eventLabel: "navigation-tab"

And a second attempt:

Cypress.on('window:before:load', (win) => {
  // because this is called before any scripts
  // have loaded - the ga function is undefined
  // so we need to create it.
  win.ga = cy.stub().as('ga')

describe("Desktop - Listing details - Google Analytics", () => {
  slugs.forEach((slug, index) => {
    context(`For ${slugs[index]}`, () => {
      beforeEach(() => {

      context("Navigation tab", () => {
        it("Pricing tab", function() {
          cy.get(`[class="nav-links"] > li`)
            .click(); // Here a new page loads and the events are not longer present
          cy.get("@ga").should(`be.calledWith`, `send`, {
            hitType: "event",
            eventCategory: "navigation-bar",
            eventAction: "go-to_product_pricing",
            eventLabel: "navigation-tab"

The thing is that Cypress is making the assertion in the New page, and the events I want to check are not longer there.

How can I test this? Honestly, I tried everything.


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