'Data Factory/Synapse: How to merge many files?

After generating ~90 different 100 mb gzip'd CSV files, I want to merge them all into a single file. Using the built-in merge option for a data copy process, it seems that it would take well over a dozen hours to do this operation.


How can I merge many files in blob/ADLS storage quickly with Data Factory/Synapse?

Solution 1:[1]

You could try a 2 step process.

  1. Merge all files from CSV into a Parquet format.
  2. Copy that Parquet file into a CSV file.

Writes into Parquet are generally quick (provided you have clean data like no spaces in column names) and they are smaller in size.

Edit - ADF Data Flow is another option. If that is still not fast enough then you might have to create a Spark Notebook in synapse and write spark code. Use a spark pool size with a balance between time and cost.

Solution 2:[2]

Easy, just convert the objects to a pandas dataframe and then do the merge.

Step #1:

df1= df1.select("*").toPandas()
df2= df2.select("*").toPandas()

Step #2:

result = pd.concat([df1, df2], axis=1)

See this link for more info.


Also, here's another technique to consider.




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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2