'Difference between Sqlcmd and Invoke-Sqlcmd

I am trying to learn Sqlcmd utility in PowerShell to run SQL queries, specifically for database administration.

Using Version 15.0.1300.359 NT

But I got confused, what is the difference between Sqlcmd and Invoke-Sqlcmd?

Why is it this command works:

Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance myinstance -Database AdventureWorks2017 "select top 3 * from [Person].[BusinessEntity]"

And this one does not work:

Invoke-Sqlcmd -S myinstance -d AdventureWorks2017 "select top 3 * from [Person].[BusinessEntity]"

By querying help I can clearly see that I should be able using all those variables:

enter image description here

Solution 1:[1]

If you're working on PowerShell scripting, I would recommend the use of the Module whenever possible. Invoke-SqlCmd will output objects, which are definitely easier to manipulate.


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Solution 1