'discord bot on_guild_role_update, problem with permissions

I tryed to make logs with admin`s activity how to specify the permission instead of these incomprehensible numbers

async def on_guild_role_update(before, after):
    embed = discord.Embed(
    embed.set_author(name=f'📝 Role `{before.name}` was changed!')
    if before.color != after.color:
        embed.add_field(name='Color:',  value=f'{before.color} --> {after.color}', inline=False)

    if before.name != after.name:
        embed.add_field(name='Name:', value=f'{before.name} --> {after.name}', inline=False)

    if before.permissions != after.permissions:
        embed.add_field(name='Permissions:', value=f'{before.permissions} --> {after.permissions}', inline=False)

    await bot.get_channel(911633362949648464).send(embed=embed)


Solution 1:[1]

you can write something like

if before.permissions != after.permissions:
    text = ""
    If before.permissions.change_nickname != after.permissions.change_nickname:
        text = f"{text}\n{'+change nickname' if after.permissions.change_nickname != True else '-change nickname'} --> {'+change nickname' if after.permissions.change_nickname == True else '-change nickname'}"
    #and so with all the rights and then just 
    embed.add_field(name="Permissions:", value=text, inline=False)

conclusion(if there was no right and it was given)

-change nickname --> +change nickname


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1