'Docker event output formatting

Is there an easy way to format the output from the docker events into something thats more easily parseable ? I need to extract the event and the container name and was hoping there would be an easy way to get to this without having to use regex's

2016-03-09T01:40:02.466829474Z container die 0dc47eaf33002354222eb871471c36793c6df22589bec15da9ba9e570e1e7d62 (image=injcristianrojas/nginx-ssl, name=nginx-ssl)
2016-03-09T01:40:02.634452427Z container start 0dc47eaf33002354222eb871471c36793c6df22589bec15da9ba9e570e1e7d62 (image=injcristianrojas/nginx-ssl, name=nginx-ssl)

Solution 1:[1]

You can use the below command

docker events --filter 'type=container' --format 'Type={{.Type}} Status={{.Status}} Name={{.Actor.Attributes.name}} Time={{.Time}}'

Solution 2:[2]

You can use directly the remote json based API: Docker remote API

curl http://localhost:5555/events

Solution 3:[3]

Events can be returned in JSON Lines format using the --format option of the events Docker command. The relevant portions of the event can then be parsed out using tools that operate on JSON.

docker events --format '{{json .}}'

Output JSON (formatted with relevant data excluded for readability):

  "status": "start",
  "id": "0dc47eaf33002354222eb871471c36793c6df22589bec15da9ba9e570e1e7d62",
  "Type": "container",
  "Action": "start",
  "Actor": {
    "ID": "0dc47eaf33002354222eb871471c36793c6df22589bec15da9ba9e570e1e7d62",
    "Attributes": {
      "image": "injcristianrojas/nginx-ssl",
      "name": "nginx-ssl",
  "time": 1457487602,
  "timeNano": 1457487602466142756


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Vasu K S
Solution 2
Solution 3 M. Justin