'Error while using mex file in Colab with Octave

I am trying to use MATLAB in Colab. MATLAB is run in Colab through Octave. I have to use the MR8fast() filter, which in turn uses anigauss.c. I could successfully compile anigauss.c using mkoctfile --mex -DMATLAB_MEX_FILE anigauss.c. anigauss.mex and anigauss.o files are created in the content folder in Colab. But while running the code which uses this function, its throwing an error

error: Invalid use of Script /content/anigauss.m in index expression
error: called from
    MR8fast at line 20 column 13 

enter image description here

How can I fix this error? Any help in this regard is greatly appreciated.


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