'futures.wait() or futures.as_completed() blocked while all futures are Completed or Cancelled

I have a bug with futures.as_completed() or futures.wait() that will be blocked indefinitely when all Futures are completed or cancelled.

Here the steps to reproduce :

After having submited Futures with ThreadPoolExecutor.submit(), I'm waiting for my Futures with futures.as_completed() or futures.wait(). In an other thread, I call ThreadPoolExecutor.shutdown() with cancel_futures=True and then in this same process, I'm waiting for Futures to complete with a timeout. The wait will return after the delay passed, with 2 lists : completed Futures and cancelled Futures. There is no more pending Futures. However, the first as_completed() (or wait()) in the main thread is still blocking.

In the Python documenation, it is stated for return_when=ALL_COMPLETED :

The function will return when all futures finish or are cancelled.

And for as_completed()

Returns [...] futures as they complete (finished or cancelled futures).

Which corresponds to my situation. Is it a bug or am I missing something ? I tried to call shutdown() in the same thread, it doesn't change anything.

Code sample :

import signal
import time
from concurrent import futures
from concurrent.futures import Future, ALL_COMPLETED
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from typing import Dict, Set

class SubThreads:
    def __init__(self):
        self.running_futures_url: Dict[str, Future] = {}
        self.webpage_crawler_th_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(2)

    def shutdown(self):
        print("Waiting for lasts URL threads")
        self.webpage_crawler_th_pool.shutdown(wait=False, cancel_futures=True)
        finished_futures, still_running_futures = futures.wait(
            self.running_futures_url.values(), return_when=ALL_COMPLETED, timeout=5,
        print("Shutdown done, remaining threads", len(still_running_futures))

    def crawl_url(self, url):
        print("Crawling webpage", url)
        print("Webpage crawled", url)
        return "URL Crawled"

    def run(self):
        urls = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']
        for url in urls:
            running_th = self.webpage_crawler_th_pool.submit(self.crawl_url, url)
            self.running_futures_url[url] = running_th

        print("Waiting for URLs to be crawled")
        # for _future in futures.as_completed(self.running_futures_url.values()):
        #     print("Future result:", _future.result())  # Will only return and print first 2 started (and completed) Futures
        finished_futures, still_running_futures = futures.wait(
            self.running_futures_url.values(), return_when=ALL_COMPLETED
        print("SubThread finished (never called)", finished_futures, still_running_futures)

sub_thread = SubThreads()

def signal_handler(sig, frame):
    print("Signal caught, exiting ...", sig)

signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler)


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