'Get facebook profile picture always return silhouette

Everyone knows https://graph.facebook.com/[facebook_id]/picture?redirect=false will retrieve the URL of the profile picture.

I've tried it on browsers, NestJS back end, etc.

I don't know why it turns into a silhouette picture but when I provided the access_token the URL was changed to https://platform-lookaside.fbsbx.com/.... that not return the silhouette anymore. This gives me the profile picture but it is always downloaded rather than just displayed. Moreover, the URL from my latest approach is a signed URL and it has expiration time but I need a static URL for the profile picture.

Did anyone have an idea for this? Thank you.

Solution 1:[1]

According to the docs

GET /{user-id}/picture requests made by apps in Development mode using either (1) a Client access token or (2) tokenless requests on an App-Scoped User ID will receive a silhouette image instead of the app user's profile image in response.

See full documentation here

Solution 2:[2]

It's solved!

Just use the url directly in src of img


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Knower Boye
Solution 2 vyppN