'Google Script: Sort Array of Email Addresses to Remove Duplicates

I pull data from a Google Event Calendar. The events include multiple point of contact e-mails (Primary, Secondary, etc.)

I am currently able to collect ALL of the e-mails for the events, and this includes many duplicates.

I would like to take the entire list of emails (currently delimited by ";") and parse through to remove the duplicates.

I created a call function that takes a string (the current list of e-mails) and should return a clean list.

The code I have been trying to use:

function CleanEmail (InputEmailString) {
              var ReturnEmail = "";
              var EmailArray = [];
              var EmailArray = InputEmailString.split(";");
              var ReturnEmail = EmailArray[0];
                for (i=1; i < EmailArray.length; ++i) {
                    if (EmailArray[i-1] != EmailArray[i]) {
                    ReturnEmail += ";" + EmailArray[i]
                    }            // End If Statement
                  }              // End For Statement
               return ReturnEmail;  
          }                      // Close Function

My thought is to sort the Array so that it would be in alphabetical order, then check one email back to see if there is a duplicate.

Regardless of what I try the returned email list does not sort, nor does it remove any duplicates.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Solution 1:[1]


Using Set you can create an array of unique values.


function test() {
  try {
    let InputEmailString = "[email protected];[email protected];[email protected];[email protected];[email protected];[email protected];;[email protected];";
  catch(err) {

function CleanEmail (InputEmailString) {
  var ReturnEmail = "";
  var EmailArray = [];
  var EmailArray = InputEmailString.split(";");
  EmailArray = [...new Set(EmailArray)];
  var ReturnEmail = EmailArray.join(';')
} // Close Function

Execution Log

11:29:51 AM Notice  Execution started
11:29:51 AM Info    [email protected];[email protected];[email protected];[email protected];
11:29:51 AM Notice  Execution completed


Solution 2:[2]

If you're just taking a string of emails separated by ;'s > removing duplicates > rejoining them,


function CleanEmail (InputEmailString) {

   return [...new Set(InputEmailString.split(`;`)].join(`;`)


Long Version:

function CleanEmail (InputEmailString) {

   const emailsArray = InputEmailString.split(`;`);
   const uniqueEmailsArray = [...new Set(emailArray)];
   const uniqueEmailString = uniqueEmailsArray.join(`;`);

   return uniqueEmailString 


.getGuestList() Method

// const guestList = event.getGuestList()
// const emailList = CleanEmail(guestList)

function CleanEmail (guestListData) {

   const emailList = guestListData.map(i => i.getEmail())

   return [...new Set(emailList)].join(`;`)


Solution 3:[3]

Remove Duplicates

function removedup(eA=["[email protected]","[email protected]"]) {
  let uA = [];
  eA.forEach(e => {
    if (!~uA.indexOf(e)) {
  return uA;

Execution log
11:50:44 AM Notice  Execution started
11:50:44 AM Info    ["[email protected]"]
11:50:45 AM Notice  Execution completed


This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Overflow and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 TheWizEd
Solution 2
Solution 3 Cooper