'HBase data export to S3

I am trying to export HBase table(size-23TB) data to S3.
So while using HBase export and passing S3 credentials via jceks path Command :

hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.Export $tableName -D hadoop.security.provider.path=jceksPath -Dfs.s3a.proxy.host=proxy details -Dfs.s3a.proxy.port=80 $s3Path

Exception: NumberFormatException.

Please someone let me know how to pass jceks path in HBase export.

Solution 1:[1]

The error happens because the -D properties should be passed before the actual arguments:

hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.Export -D hadoop.security.provider.path=jceksPath -D fs.s3a.proxy.host=proxy?details -D fs.s3a.proxy.port=80 $tableName $s3Path


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Solution Source
Solution 1 Diego Victor de Jesus