'How can I make condition for class of x-jet-dialog-modal?
With laravel 8.68 and livewire 2.7 opening modal dialog (which can be used in many cases) I want to change background color/color depending on parameter. I try to change class in <x-jet-dialog-modal definition like :
<x-jet-dialog-modal wire:model="confirmActionModalProfileFormVisible"
class=" z-50 bg-opacity-100 @if($confirm_action_profile_modal_color === 'danger') personal_danger_text @else personal_text @endif">
But That does not work, and in browser's inspection I see that class in <x-jet-dialog-modal is not rendered,
I try to use alpinejs :
<x-jet-dialog-modal wire:model="confirmActionModalProfileFormVisible"
:class=" 'z-50 bg-opacity-100 ' + ( '{{$confirm_action_profile_modal_color }}' == 'danger' ? 'personal_danger_text' : 'personal_text' ) ">
But error was raised :
A non-numeric value encountered (View: my-template.blade.php)
Can I make condition for class of <x-jet-dialog-modal ?
UPDATED # 1: Yes, I have jetstream views published , and I have file resources/views/vendor/jetstream/components/dialog-modal.blade.php, which have default content :
@props(['id' => null, 'maxWidth' => null, 'class' => null])
<x-jet-modal :id="$id" :maxWidth="$maxWidth" {{ $attributes }} class="{{ !empty($class) ? $class : ''}}">
<div class="px-6 py-4 {{ !empty($class) ? $class : ''}}">
<div class="text-lg">
{{ $title }}
<div class="mt-4">
{{ $content }}
<div class="px-6 py-4 text-right {{ !empty($class) ? $class : ' bg-gray-100'}}">
{{ $footer }}
As I inheret my modal file from it I wonder in which way have I to edit definition of <x-jet-dialog-modal to pass conditional class ?
Thanks in advance!
Solution 1:[1]
you have to publish jetstream views, then edit the file dialog-modal.blade.php and use the slot attributes. Laravel Blade #Slot Attributes
If you want to change something from the modal itself, you would have to edit modal.blade.php
Edit the following line:
<div x-show="show" class="mb-6 bg-white rounded-lg overflow-hidden shadow-xl transform transition-all sm:w-full {{ $maxWidth }} sm:mx-auto">
And do attribute merge Laravel Blade #Deafault/Merged Attributes
Solution 2:[2]
another way will be to edit published JetStream modal window view (resources/views/vendor/jetstream/componets/modal.blade.php) and add {{$attributes['class']}}
in class values. After that you can add any custom class or condition when including jetstream modal:
<x-jet-dialog-modal wire:model="myCustomModal" maxWidth="md" class="flex items-center my-custom-class">
and this will be applied on your modal. And now you should be able to use your conditions as well:
<x-jet-dialog-modal wire:model="myCustomModal" maxWidth="md" class="flex items-center my-custom-class @if($confirm_action_profile_modal_color === 'danger') personal_danger_text @else personal_text @endif">
nice example can be seen here: https://floyk.com/en/post/how-to-use-laravel-jetstream-livewire-modal or here: https://floyk.com/en/post/livewire-5-ways-to-call-and-update-value-on-click
This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Overflow and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.
Source: Stack Overflow
Solution | Source |
Solution 1 | fotrino |
Solution 2 | Igor Simic |