'How can I present a small page sheet with SwiftUI?

I'm developing an app for iPad with SwiftUI. I want to present a page sheet but with a smaller size. I'm using but I can't change the width of the page sheet.

    isPresented: self.$isEditing,
) {
    Text("My page sheet view")

The result is :

My app page sheet

How can I have the Apple shortcut app modal size ?

Shortcut app

Maybe it's a proprietary custom view from Apple not available with UIKit... Thank you very much

Solution 1:[1]

At the moment, you can use an actionSheet (iOS 14 or earlier) / confirmationDialog (iOS 15 or later) which is much smaller or you can create your own custom-made sheet maybe with usage of SheeKit.

For the case that an actionSheet / confirmationDialog is enough:

Screenshot of the actionSheet

@State private var showingConfirm: Bool = false
@State private var actionSelection = ""

Group {
    Button(action: {
        }, label: {
// iOS 14 
.actionSheet(isPresented: $showingConfirm, content: {

        let action1 = ActionSheet.Button.default(Text("First action")) {
            actionSelection = "First"

        let action2 = ActionSheet.Button.default(Text("Second action")) {
            actionSelection = "Second"

        return ActionSheet(title: Text("Action Sheet"), message: Text("Message"), buttons: [action1, action2])

 // or for iOS 15
 .confirmationDialog("Action Sheet", isPresented: $showingConfirm, titleVisibility: .visible) {
        Button("First action") {
            actionSelection = "First"

        Button("Second action") {
            actionSelection = "Second"



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Solution Source
Solution 1 Hendrik