'How to click elements that have generated id's if I don't know what the ID will be in Selenium

Say I have some HTML mark-up as such:

    <select id="select_titleOfSelect-1212_01" name="titleOfSelect-1212" 
        <option value="ONE"></option>
        <option value="TWO"></option>
        <option value="THREE"></option>

Multiple of these select elements can be generated dynamically in which the number after titleOfSelect can always be different. Also the "01" will increment by 1 if there is more than one select generated on the same page.

I have been able to click on these using this:

.click('select[id^="titleOfSelect-"] option[value='ONE']')

How can I click on the 2nd, 3rd, so on.. select element on the page if there is more than one?

I'm using Javascript with Selenium

Solution 1:[1]

You don't search for the element based on its ID if the ID is randomly generated. You'll have to use an XPath or CSS selector and get creative.

Here's how I would click on the options:

// option 1

// option two

// etc..

Or, if you don't want to use value, you can use the index:

// click first option

// click second option

// click third option

If there are multiple select elements on the page, you can try to do a contains query on the title:

//select[contains(@title, 'titleOfSelect')]/option[1]

Solution 2:[2]

You can use :nth-of-type() to pick which SELECT you get, e.g.

select:nth-of-type(2) option[value="TWO"]

would select the OPTION that contains the value 'TWO' in the second SELECT

Solution 3:[3]

You can simply use the findElements method to find the locator id^="titleOfSelect-". This will return ReadOnlyCollection<IWebElement> which you can convert to a list and then target whatever index you want to target.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 JeffC
Solution 3 Akash Bhatia