'How to create a Hashicorp Vault user using Terraform

I am trying to create a Vault user in Terraform but can't seem to find the appropriate command to do so. I've searched the Terraform Registry and also performed some online searches but all to no avail.

All I'm looking to do is create a user, using the corresponding Terraform command to the Vault CLI command below:

vault write auth/userpass/users/bob password="passworld123" policies="default" 

Any suggestions?

Solution 1:[1]

@hitman126 I guess you can take use of 'vault' provider module and 'vault_auth_backend' resource block. I guess your code should look like something similar to below

terraform {
  required_providers {
    vault = {
      source = "hashicorp/vault"
      version = "3.5.0"

provider "vault" {


resource "vault_auth_backend" "example" {
  type = "userpass"

resource "vault_generic_secret" "developer_sample_data" {
  path = "secret/foo"

  data_json = <<EOT
  "username": "bob",
  "password": "passworld123"

In above code block, path is one full logic path where we write given data.To write data into the "generic" secret backend mounted in Vault by default, this should be prefixed with 'secret/'.

This might not be a full-fledged solution, but you can try something like this

Solution-2 :

If you have installed vault in machine and you would like to achieve above use case using vault command alone(if you don't want to use terraform-vault provider), then you can try something below

  1. create one small sh script with above vault command. (valut-write.sh)
touch vault-write.sh

let content of script can be similar to below

vault write auth/userpass/users/bob password="passworld123" policies="default" 
chmod +x vault-write.sh
  1. Create a .tf file with null resource, local-exec provisioner and invoke this sh script.
touch vault.tf

contents of vault.tf file can be similar to below

terraform {
  required_version = "~> 1.1.1"

resource "null_resource" "vault_write" {

 provisioner "local-exec" {

    command = "/bin/sh vault-write.sh"


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Solution Source
Solution 1