'How to properly plot a tree (27k nodes) using a circular tree / leave layout

I have this (unbalanced) tree with 27k+ nodes. It is an hierachy. Now I would to plot it as such to obtain a plot something like this (no idea how you would describe it, but I would call it a circular leave tree...?

enter image description here

However, I am unable to achieve such a result unfortunately. I have already tried igraph, Networkx, Maltego, Graphviz, Gephi. Hopefully someone can help me / give me tips & tricks or hints.


Gives me quiet easily the following. However I cannot export it to pdf. Furthermore it has this wierd expansion on the top going to the left. I would be able to 'manually' (minimize) move it. However that is not what I would like.

This is btw in my view (with the manual fix) the best result. But I cannot export it to vector or high-res image.

enter image description here


import igraph as ig
bigGraphAsTupleList = (('a','b'),('b','c'),('b','d'), ..., ('c','e'))
g = ig.Graph.TupleList(bigGraphAsTupleList)
layout = g.layout("rt_circular") #fr (fruchterman reingold), tree, circle, rt_circular (reingold_tilford_circular)
# bbox = size of picture

This gives me something like below.

reingold tilford circular enter image description here

fruchterman reingold (so much overlap of nodes and connections) enter image description here


import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
G = nx.Graph()
G.add_edge(...) #build graph
nx.draw_circular(G) #nx.draw_spring(G) #nx.draw_spectral

enter image description here

Graphviz (via Networkx)

Also a wierd result a bit similar as the next one Maltego. However

import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pydot
from networkx.drawing.nx_pydot import graphviz_layout
G = nx.Graph()
G.add_edge(...) #build graph
pos = graphviz_layout(G, prog="circo")
nx.draw(G, pos,node_size=10)
plt.savefig("Graph.png", format="PNG")

enter image description here

Solution 1:[1]

Here is my Python solution using the neato layout engine and the pygraphviz package:

from collections import defaultdict
from pygraphviz import AGraph

def find_min_root(G):
    deg = {n : len(e) for (n, e) in G.items()}
    worklist = [n for n in deg if deg[n] == 1]
    remain = len(G)
    while remain > 2:
        remain -= len(worklist)
        worklist2 = []
        for n1 in worklist:
            for n2 in G[n1]:
                deg[n2] -= 1
                if deg[n2] == 1:
        worklist = worklist2
    return worklist

def build_tree(G, n1, visited, tree):
    for n2 in G[n1]:
        if n2 not in visited:
            build_tree(G, n2, visited, tree)

def compute_height(T, n1, heights):
    h = heights.get(n1)
    if h is None:
        children = T[n1]
        if not children:
            h = 0
            h = max([compute_height(T, n2, heights)
                     for n2 in children]) + 1
    heights[n1] = h
    return h

def compute_descendants(T, n1, descendants):
    d = descendants.get(n1)
    if d is None:
        children = T[n1]
        if not children:
            d = 0
            d = sum([compute_descendants(T, n2, descendants) + 1
                     for n2 in children])
    descendants[n1] = d
    return d

def edge_attrs(n_desc, child_height):
    w = 1
    if child_height == 0:
        pw = 0.25
        if n_desc < 20:
            l = 0.08
            c = '#ffddcc'
        elif n_desc < 40:
            l = 0.15
            c = '#ffddcc'
        elif n_desc < 300:
            l = 0.20
            c = '#ffddcc'
        elif n_desc < 500:
            l = 0.35
            c = '#ffffcc'
            l = 0.6
            c = '#ddccff'
    elif child_height == 1:
        c = '#77dd55'
        pw = 0.5
        if n_desc < 100:
            l = 0.4
        elif n_desc < 400:
            l = 0.6
            l = 0.8
    elif child_height == 2:
        c = '#33bb33'
        pw = 0.75
        if n_desc < 1000:
            l = 0.4
            l = 0.8
    elif child_height == 3:
        c = '#119911'
        if n_desc < 1000:
            l = 0.4
        elif n_desc < 5000:
            l = 0.8
            l = 3.0
        pw = 1.0
        c = '#007700'
        if n_desc < 1000:
            l = 0.4
        elif n_desc < 5000:
            l = 0.8
            l = 3.0
        pw = 1.25
    return c, l, w, pw

def main():
    lines = open('27k.csv').readlines()[1:]
    edges = [l.strip().split(',') for l in lines]

    # Build undirected graph
    G = defaultdict(set)
    for child, parent in edges:

    # Find best root node
    root = find_min_root(G)[0]
    T = defaultdict(set)
    build_tree(G, root, {root}, T)

    heights = {}
    for n in list(T):
        compute_height(T, n, heights)
    descendants = {}
    for n in T:
        compute_descendants(T, n, descendants)
    G = AGraph(strict = False, directed = False)
    graph_attrs = {
        'dpi' : 300
    node_attrs = {
        'shape' : 'point',
        'width' : 0.01,
        'color' : '#333333'
    for n1, edges in T.items():
        n_desc = descendants[n1]
        for n2 in edges:
            c, l, w, pw = edge_attrs(n_desc, heights[n2])
            G.add_edge(n1, n2, len = l, color = c, weight = w,
                       penwidth = pw)
    G.draw('tree.png', prog = 'neato')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Your data file isn't a tree so I first convert it into a undirected graph and then I create a well-balanced tree using that graph. Then all that remains is to set the len attribute on every edge to nudge neato into creating a good-looking layout.

Colors and pen widths is just to make the output pretty. You can tweak it by changing the code in edge_attrs.

enter image description here


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Björn Lindqvist