'how to test button that call submit form using jest and react testing library

so I am trying to test that the onSubmit function is getting triggered if the button is clicked - the way im doing this is through testing the internals of the onSubmit function is getting calles (axios post method)

the test

describe('RecipeSearch', () => {
    test('submit button should return post function to recipes/search/', () => {
        let mock = new MockAdapter(axios);
        userEvent.selectOptions(screen.getByRole('combobox'), 'Sweet');

        const config = {
            headers: {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        const searchRecipes = mock.onPost(
            { flavor_type: 'Sweet' },
            { config }

the Error


    Matcher error: received value must be a mock or spy function

    Received has type:  object
    Received has value: {"abortRequest": [Function abortRequest], "abortRequestOnce": [Function abortRequestOnce], "networkError": [Function networkError], "networkErrorOnce": [Function networkErrorOnce], "passThrough": [Function passThrough], "reply": [Function reply], "replyOnce": [Function replyOnce], "timeout": [Function timeout], "timeoutOnce": [Function timeoutOnce]}

the function

const recipeSearch = (props) => {
    const [formData, setFormData] = useState({
        flavor_type: 'Sour',

    const { flavor_type } = formData;

    const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);

    const onChange = (e) => setFormData({ ...formData, [e.target.name]: e.target.value });

    const onSubmit = (e) => {

        const config = {
            headers: {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json',

            .then((res) => {
                window.scrollTo(0, 0);
            .catch((err) => {
                window.scrollTo(0, 0);

    return (
        <form  onSubmit={(e) => onSubmit(e)}>
                        <label htmlFor='flavor_type'>Choose Flavor</label>
                            onChange={(e) => onChange(e)}
                            <option value='Sour'>Sour</option>

                            <button type='submit'>Search</button> 

i have added the whole test and the component code so helping would be easier. thanks in advance

(added the onChange + onSubmit functions)

Solution 1:[1]

Creating an onSubmit mock and passing it as a prop won't work since the onSubmit callback is internal to the component and not a prop - you don't have access to it from the test.

Rather than testing if the onSubmit has been called, you should test the result of triggering the submit event. Which in this case could mean verifying that the axios request is made.

See How do I test axios in Jest? for examples on how to mock axios in your test.

Solution 2:[2]

Did you try selecting the button by text :

 describe('RecipeSearch', () => {
    test('test clicking the button triggers the onSubmit function', () => {
        const onSubmit = jest.fn();
        render(<RecipeSearch onSubmit={onSubmit} />);
        userEvent.selectOptions(screen.getByRole('combobox'), 'Sour');

I'm not sure how getByRole handles a second argument in your first try, but getByText should work.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 Florian Motteau