'How to test ng-web-apis/geolocation Observable in angular 8?

I'm trying to test a simple angular 8 service that gets user location using GeoLocation Service from Web APIs for Angular

 public enableGPS() {
    if (!this.locationSubscription)
        this.locationSubscription = this.geoLocationService.subscribe(
            (position) => {
                this._currentLocation = position.coords;

And this is the test

 describe("Toggle Location Service", () => {

    it("should enable location service", () => {

        const testPosition = {
            position: {
                coords: {
                    longitude: 1.0,
                    latitude: 2.0

        let geoLocationService: GeolocationService = TestBed.get(GeolocationService);
        spyOn(geoLocationService, 'subscribe').and.returnValue(

but service.currentLocation is always undefined and the subscription callback is never called

Solution 1:[1]

I don't know if it's too late to answer your question, but I just found myself needing to use this in my project.

Well, not to make it any longer and the solution remains because I couldn't make the library work, so use the browser's resources directly.


I created a service that would be the following:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
  providedIn: 'root'
export class LocationService{
    getPosition(): Promise<any> {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(resp => {
                    resolve({lng: resp.coords.longitude, lat: resp.coords.latitude});
                err => {

Then I call it in my component:

import { LocationService } from '../Interfaces/Services/location.service';

  location : any = { latitude: '', longitude: '' };
    private _locationService: LocationService
  ) {

  async getLocation() {
    this._locationService.getPosition().then(pos => {
        this.location= {
          latitude: pos.lat,
          longitude: pos.lng

I hope it helps you and if not, I hope the answer is clear for future developers


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1