'Increase Heap size in GO

Is there a way howto instruct GO runtime to use larger heaps? I am running GO 1.5.

My GO process is currently spending 34% of time in GC but it uses unly 1/3 of available systems memory.

I know ulimit can be used to limit max heap size. I have set ulimit to ~16GB (ulimit -v 17179869184) but the heap size never goes over 5GB.

Using GODEBUG=gctrace=1 I can see high GC overhead (34%):

20160719-220359.169294 :: gc 665 @5484.983s 34%: 3.3+2504+188+1635+8.0 ms clock, 26+2504+0+26950/3271/3.5+64 ms cpu, 4825->4964->2623 MB, 4948 MB goal, 8 P
20160719-220406.322354 :: gc 666 @5492.411s 34%: 2.9+212+2111+1749+8.3 ms clock, 23+212+0+25010/3496/146+67 ms cpu, 4846->4990->2657 MB, 4970 MB goal, 8 P
20160719-220413.703514 :: gc 667 @5499.452s 34%: 4.4+4411+0.021+0.25+8.4 ms clock, 35+4411+0+29365/0.054/38+67 ms cpu, 4908->5022->2618 MB, 5025 MB goal, 8 P

Solution 1:[1]

You can control this with the GOGC environment variable. It is a percentage: set it to 200 and the Go runtime will use twice as much memory as before.

[this was buried in the comments; I'm making it visible as an answer]

Update: there is a detailed discussion of different techniques at https://github.com/golang/go/issues/23044, including mention of the "ballast" technique.

Solution 2:[2]

The Golang documentation describes GOGC:

The GOGC variable sets the initial garbage collection target percentage. A collection is triggered when the ratio of freshly allocated data to live data remaining after the previous collection reaches this percentage. The default is GOGC=100. Setting GOGC=off disables the garbage collector entirely.

There is an optimal value for GOGC, and it depends on the application and system that you run the Go application on. You can read more in this blog and this one.

You can try different values and see the effects on performance, or use a free tool like Optimizer Studio that will find the optimal GOGC value automatically.

Solution 3:[3]

I know ulimit can be used to limit max heap size

Actually, starting possibly Go 1.19 (Q4 2022), this won't be the only way.

From golang/go issue 48409 "Proposal: Soft memory limit" (which just landed in May 2022, with commit f01c20b, implementing its design document)

new option for tuning the behavior of the Go garbage collector by setting a soft memory limit on the total amount of memory that Go uses.

This option comes in two flavors:

  • a new runtime/debug function called SetMemoryLimit and
  • a GOMEMLIMIT environment variable.

In sum, the runtime will try to maintain this memory limit by limiting the size of the heap, and by returning memory to the underlying platform more aggressively.
This includes with a mechanism to help mitigate garbage collection death spirals.

Finally, by setting GOGC=off, the Go runtime will always grow the heap to the full memory limit.

This new option gives applications better control over their resource economy. It empowers users to:

  • Better utilize the memory that they already have,
  • Confidently decrease their memory limits, knowing Go will respect them,
  • Avoid unsupported forms of garbage collection tuning.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 Tomer
Solution 3 VonC