'Invoke method using spring SPEL with property

Is it possible to use a property value to invoke a method while assigning a value?

For instance, I know I can do this:

private String name; // will have the value of the `name` property

I wonder if it's possible to do something like this:

private String myModifiedVariable; // will have the result of invoking myMethod

Solution 1:[1]

After my research and a bit of testing, I found there is a way shown in this article Spring EL method invocation, But mybean should be a string bean

private String myModifiedVariable;

And if you want to call a method in the existing class then use the spring bean name of the same class

 @Configuration  // or any sterotype annoations
 public class TestConfig {

       private String myModifiedVariable;

       public String getValue(String val){
             return val+"testValue";


Solution 2:[2]

When using interface projection (in Spring Data Repository) it is possible to call a static method like this:

public interface MyProjection {
  // Here we are creating a 2 element list with 'Spring Data' and value taken from "MY_COLUMN_NAME" column
  @Value("#{T(java.util.Arrays).asList('Spring Data', target.MY_COLUMN_NAME)}")
  List<String> getSampleList(); 

You can also obtain a value of an enum (constant) with above notation. Sample for Spring Security check:


Similar notation should work in other places. Simply remember to use full path to class


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 kgtgit