'Is it possible to call Azure Queue from AWS Lambda

My requirement is to send data received in Lambda from DynamoDB to Azure Queue in node.js.

Steps taken - AWS Side

   1. Created DDB Table
   2. Added Stream and Trigger
   3. Wrote Lambda

Steps taken - Azure Side

1. Created an Azure Queue (Service Bus)

So far so good. I can see DDB Events making its way to Lambda.

My question is now I want to send these events to Azure Queue, I could not find any online google result for this. Is it possible to put elements in Azure Queue from AWS Lambda?

Solution 1:[1]

You can use Azure Service Bus REST API in order to send your messages:

POST    http{s}://{serviceNamespace}.servicebus.windows.net/{queuePath|topicPath}/messages



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Solution Source
Solution 1 Thiago Custodio