'Is there an equivalent of DynamoDB on Azure as a PHP session Handler

Is there a equivalent of DynamoDB on Azure as a PHP session Handler? I found some very old articles online suggesting to use Azure Table Storage but it doesn't seem to work anymore. (https://dzone.com/articles/handling-php-sessions-windows). Thank you very much!

Solution 1:[1]

Is there a equivalent of DynamoDB on Azure as a PHP session Handler?

As suggested by Oury Ba, adding gist as a community wiki to help community members who might have a similar question:

  • For session handling, you can use Azure Cache for Redis as a PHP session cache, specify the connection string to your Azure Cache for Redis instance in session.save_path

For example:

session.save_path = "tcp://mycache.redis.cache.windows.net:6379?auth=<url encoded primary or secondary key here>";

You can refer to Azure Cache for Redis development FAQs and PHP Session handler

Solution 2:[2]

You can also use Azure table storage for session management. Assuming the table 'sessions' exists, this code works for me (using express-session as middleware):

const session = require('express-session');
const AzureTablesStoreFactory = require('connect-azuretables')(session);

const app = express();

const options = { table: 'sessions', sessionTimeOut: 30}; 
  store: AzureTablesStoreFactory.create(options), 
  secret: process.env.SESSION_SECRET,
  resave: false,
  saveUninitialized: false,
  rolling: true,
  cookie: {maxAge: 600000}


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 Donald Koscheka