'Is there any way to remove item from PagedList and notify RecyclerView?

Is there any way to remove item from PagedList and notify RecyclerView without invalidating DataSource (not Room)?

What I have tried:

Store all model in own list, remove model from it when needed, call dataSource.invalidate() and submit stored list in loadInitial -> onResult callback. But seems like this is not very elegant silution...

Solution 1:[1]

After couple hours of trying my approach is call the network for removing and after collecting PagingData again. This action will go through till mapper.

 viewModel.remove(item) {
            viewModel.uiState.collectLatest { uiState ->
               adapter.submitData(viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycle, uiState.list)

And in the mapper check the field for me it was isUserFavorited. filter is a PagingDataTransforms extension and it was life saver other than visibility changing or layout height 0 shenanigans

return dataSource
            id = id,
            search = queryDecider.convertString(search),
        ).map {
            it.map { response ->
            }.filter { uiModel ->


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Solution Source
Solution 1 dgncn