'JSONPath to transform and map to different tiers of data with a single output

I am using JSONPath and this node module https://www.npmjs.com/package/jsonpath-object-transform to transform a JSON obj into a different output. This is similar to XML and XSLT. The problem is when I want to map to different tiers of the source data and send to a flat output.


var output = {
    storeName: '$.store',
    items: ['$.items',{
        uniqueName: '$.name',
        sku: '$.skus[*].num'

var source = {
    store:'my store',
    items: [{
        name: 'Hammer',
        skus: [{
            num: '12345qwert'
    }, {
        name: 'Bike',
        skus: [{
            num: 'asdfghhj'
        }, {
            num: 'zxcvbn'
    }, {
        name: 'Fork',
        skus: [{
            num: '0987dfgh'

The result of this is:

  "storeName": "my store",
  "items": [
      "uniqueName": "Hammer",
      "sku": "12345qwert"
      "uniqueName": "Bike",
      "sku": "asdfghhj"
      "uniqueName": "Fork",
      "sku": "0987dfgh"

The problem with the result is that it ignored the second array item in the Bike obj. items[1].skus[1].num. I believe it did this because $.items designator only knows of 3 obj in the items array.

My expected result was :

      "storeName": "my store",
      "items": [
          "uniqueName": "Hammer",
          "sku": "12345qwert"
          "uniqueName": "Bike",
          "sku": "asdfghhj"
          "uniqueName": "Bike",
          "sku": "zxcvbn"
          "uniqueName": "Fork",
          "sku": "0987dfgh"

How can I achieve this output using JSONPath.

Solution 1:[1]

I tackled this kind of problem with my own small library which essentially mimics the XSLT processing model; so, here's a fiddle for your example:



var source =
    store:'my store',
    items: [{
        name: 'Hammer',
        skus: [{
            num: '12345qwert'
    }, {
        name: 'Bike',
        skus: [{
            num: 'asdfghhj'
        }, {
            num: 'zxcvbn'
    }, {
        name: 'Fork',
        skus: [{
            num: '0987dfgh'

function Root(node) {
  return (typeof node.store === "string") &&
         ({ }.toString.call(node.items) === "[object Array]");

function SKU(node) {
  return typeof node.num === "string";

function FlattenedSKU(node) {
  return SKU(node) && (typeof node.name === "string");

var SO_30221930_Transform = { $: [

  [ [ Root ],
    // rewriting rule to process JSONPath's "$"
    // (XSLT-would-be <xsl:template match="/">...)
    function(root) {
      return {

        // (cf. the `String.prototype.of` interpolation helper)
        storeName: "{store}".of(root),

        // (XSLT-would-be <xsl:apply-templates select="items/sku"/>)
        items: root.items.
               // first, get all the SKU nodes (XPath "items//sku")
               nodeset(SKU, true).
               // then, flatten them as [ { name: ..., num: ... } ... ]
               map(function(sku_node) {
                 return {
                   name: "{name}".of(sku_node.parent.parent),
                   num: "{num}".of(sku_node.value),
               // finally, rewrite them as [ { uniqueName: ..., num: ... } ... ]

  [ [ FlattenedSKU ],
    function(sku) {
      return {
        uniqueName: "{name}".of(sku),
        num: "{num}".of(sku)

] };

var output = source.through(SO_30221930_Transform);
console.log(JSON.stringify(output, null, 2));


  "storeName": "my store",
  "items": [
      "uniqueName": "Hammer",
      "num": "12345qwert"
      "uniqueName": "Bike",
      "num": "asdfghhj"
      "uniqueName": "Bike",
      "num": "zxcvbn"
      "uniqueName": "Fork",
      "num": "0987dfgh"

Here are other examples / use cases:

'Hope this helps,

Solution 2:[2]

This may not be possible. You are really iterating over skus, not items, so in theory the expression should be something like this:

var output = {
  storeName: '$.store',
  items: ['$.items[*].skus[*]', { // or '$..skus[*]', or perhaps even '$..num'
    uniqueName: '$<<name', // no "parent" operator in JSONPath
    sku: '$.num'

But there are two problems:

1) jsonpath-object-transform appears not to properly transform children: leaving out uniquename, if you omit the transform, the correct num entries are produced, but if you add a transform an exception is thrown. I assume this is a bug.

2) even if you could iterate skus, JSONPath has no parent operator so there would be no way to access the current item .name.

Anyway, that's my best assessment.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Tomalak
Solution 2