'Laravel Http client before request send add headers

I'm using Http client for making outgoing HTTP requests. I've used it many places in the project.Now project has new requirement that I have to add a new header to every outgoing requests. I can do this by adding it to every places. But I want to know , is there any kind of trigger or event which can give me ability to modify the headers just before the request send. There is an event Illuminate\Http\Client\Events\RequestSending which is only useful for inspecting the request.

Solution 1:[1]

This is possible to achieve without the need of a package. You can simple do something like this in a service provider:


namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Illuminate\Http\Client\Factory as Http;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * Register any application services.
     * @return void
    public function register()
        $this->app->extend(Http::class, function ($service, $app) {
            return $service->withOptions(['foo' => 'bar']);

     * Bootstrap any application services.
     * @return void
    public function boot()

Solution 2:[2]

Yes, this is possible with a fantastic package here. After installing the package you just set the default headers like,

     'headers' => [
         'X-Bar-Header' => 'bar'

But I was unfortunate, the package was not installed with my laravel 9-dev. So I had to extract the code for me. First, create a Factory class in your app\HttpClient directory,


namespace App\HttpClient;

use Illuminate\Http\Client\Factory as BaseFactory;
use Illuminate\Http\Client\PendingRequest;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;

class Factory extends BaseFactory
    protected $ignoreDefaultOptions = false;

    protected $defaultOptions = [];

    public function ignoreDefaultOptions()
        $this->ignoreDefaultOptions = true;

        return $this;

    public function withoutDefaultOptions($keys = null)
        if ($keys === null) {
            return $this->ignoreDefaultOptions();

        if (func_num_args() > 1) {
            $keys = func_get_args();

        $this->defaultOptions = with($this->defaultOptions, function ($options) use ($keys) {
            foreach (Arr::wrap($keys) as $key) {
                Arr::forget($options, $key);

            return $options;

        return $this;

    public function withDefaultOptions(array $options)
        $this->defaultOptions = array_merge_recursive($this->defaultOptions, $options);

        return $this;

    public function __call($method, $parameters)
        if (static::hasMacro($method)) {
            return $this->macroCall($method, $parameters);

        if ($this->defaultOptions && ! $this->ignoreDefaultOptions) {
            return tap(new PendingRequest($this), function ($request) {

        return parent::__call($method, $parameters);

Then, create a HttpServiceProver,

php artisan make:provider HttpServiceProvider

And put the following code there,


namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher;
use Illuminate\Http\Client\Factory as BaseFactory;
use App\HttpClient\Factory;

class HttpServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * Register services.
     * @return void
    public function register()
            function ($app) {
                return new Factory($app->make(Dispatcher::class));

     * Bootstrap services.
     * @return void
    public function boot()

Now, register the newly created service provider in AppServiceProvider.php

public function register()

 * Bootstrap any application services.
 * @return void
public function boot()
        'headers' => [
            'X-Bar-Header' => 'bar'

There are other options in this package. Please check it the package link for details.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 BrynJ
Solution 2 Abdullah Al Farooq