'Loop ID through cells in Google Apps Script

Good Day! I would like the Purchase Order ID repeated upon submission of a form in an earlier sheet. My current code however repeats this throughout the length of data range. Can I get help in modifying the code or loop/if statement below? Thank you in advance.

function exportPO() {
var myGooglSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var shSource = myGooglSheet.getSheetByName("Source");
var shDatabase = myGooglSheet.getSheetByName("Database");
var lastRow = shDatabase.getLastRow()

var ProductValues = shSource.getRange("B5:C14").getValues();

var PO = shSource.getRange("C1").getValues();
var lines = 0;

var ProductRow = ProductValues.length;
for(var i=0; i<ProductRow; i++)
  if (ProductValues!=''){
  lines= lines+1;
  shDatabase.getRange(lastRow+lines,4).setValue(new Date()).setNumberFormat('yyyy-mm- 
  dd h:mm'); //Submitted On

Solution 1:[1]

In relation to

var ProductValues = shSource.getRange("B5:C14").getValues();

The above line assigns a Array of Arrays to ProductValues

In relation to


The above expression always will return false. You might change this to ProductValues[i].every(value => value != '') to compare all the values in a row to an empty string, if all are not a empty string, this will return true, otherwise false, or change the original expression to something like ProductValues[i][0]!='' to compare on value of each row to an empty string, the first index corresponds to the row, the second to the column.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Rubén