'Markdown is not being displayed correctly due to CSSReset - Chakra-ui
I'm making a NextJs Blog, and I have to render my markdown in a dynamic page. CSSReset is being used in my app, and as a consequence, markdown is not being displayed correctly. Can someone help me out on this??
my ThemeContainer
0 import React from "react";
2 import {
3 ThemeProvider as ChakraThemeProvider,
4 ColorModeProvider,
5 CSSReset,
6 } from "@chakra-ui/core";
8 import { ThemeProvider as EmotionThemeProvider } from "emotion-theming";
9 import theme from "../styles/theme";
11 export const ThemeContainer = ({ children }) => {
12 return (
13 <ChakraThemeProvider theme={theme}>
14 <ColorModeProvider value={"light"}>
15 <EmotionThemeProvider theme={theme}>
16 <CSSReset />
17 {children}
18 </EmotionThemeProvider>
19 </ColorModeProvider>
20 </ChakraThemeProvider>
21 );
22 };
My markdown file
10 const Post = (postData: Post) => {
+ 11 const content = hydrate(postData.source);
+ 12
+ 13 console.log(content);
_ 14
15 return (
~ 16 <Flex w="full" overflowY="hidden">
~ 17 <div>{content}</div>
~ 18 </Flex>
19 );
20 };
22 export default Post;
I haven't done styling because I want to know how to solve this problem I'm having, so I left just a small component rendering the content
Should I try to fork this CSSReset and remove the styles that are making it happen??
Solution 1:[1]
I had the same issue a while ago. I wouldn't recommend using ChakraUI for Markdown because it needs to reset all CSS styles which results in this issue, but If you have a hybrid app with both static and dynamic (non-markdown) sites and you only want to use ChakraUI with its CSSReset on your dynamic sites, then you can modify your _app, or ThemeContainer in this case, as following to prevent the CSSReset from being applied to your Markdown sites:
Let's say you have dynamic pages like x.com/[slug] and static pages like x.com/blog/[slug]
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
<ChakraThemeProvider theme={theme}>
<ColorModeProvider value={"light"}>
<EmotionThemeProvider theme={theme}>
{!useRouter().asPath.includes("/blog/") ? <CSSReset /> : null}
This will prevent the CSSReset Component from being rendered on your static pages (if their path includes /blog/) but ChakraUI will still work fine on any other paths.
But again, ChakraUI isn't a good solution to style Markdown since it requires CSSReset to work properly.
This solution worked for me (inside the _app.js file).
Solution 2:[2]
I have the same problem when I try to follow the Next.js official tutorial to create a blog using Chakara UI.
My problem is that remark.js renders HTML tags from a markdown file but HTML tags have no styling because Chakra UI requires CSSReset. And setting {resetCSS={false} messed up my website
I solved the problem by adding the default CSS of HTML tags to the global styles in theme.js.
But this feels like a dumb solution and I'm looking for better solutions as well
const styles = {
global: (props) => ({
body: {
bg: mode("#f0e7db", "#111111")(props),
p: {
display: "block",
marginBlockStart: "1em",
marginBlockEnd: "1em",
marginInlineStart: "0px",
marginInlineEnd: "0px",
lineHeight: "200%",
li: {
display: "list-item",
textAlign: "-webkit-match-parent",
ul: {
paddingInlineStart: "20px",
ol: {
display: "block",
listStyleType: "decimal",
marginBlockStart: "1em",
marginBlockEnd: "1em",
marginInlineStart: "0px",
marginInlineEnd: "0px",
paddingInlineStart: "40px",
h1: {
display: "block",
fontSize: "2em",
marginBlockStart: "0.67em",
marginBlockEnd: "0.67em",
marginInlineStart: "0px",
marginInlineEnd: "0px",
fontWeight: "bold",
h2: {
display: "block",
fontSize: "1.5em",
marginBlockStart: "0.83em",
marginBlockEnd: "0.83em",
marginInlineStart: "0px",
marginInlineEnd: "0px",
fontWeight: "bold",
h3: {
display: "block",
fontSize: "1.17em",
marginBlockStart: "1em",
marginBlockEnd: "1em",
marginInlineStart: "0px",
marginInlineEnd: "0px",
fontWeight: "bold",
h4: {
display: "block",
fontSize: "1em",
marginBlockStart: "1.33em",
marginBlockEnd: "1.33em",
marginInlineStart: "0px",
marginInlineEnd: "0px",
fontWeight: "bold",
h5: {
display: "block",
fontSize: "0.83em",
marginBlockStart: "1.67em",
marginBlockEnd: "1.67em",
marginInlineStart: "0px",
marginInlineEnd: "0px",
fontWeight: "bold",
a: {
color: "#58a6ff",
pre: {
display: "block",
fontFamily: "monospace",
whiteSpace: "pre",
margin: "1em 0",
strong: {
fontWeight: "bold",
em: { fontStyle: "italic" },
blockquote: {
display: "block",
marginBlockStart: "1em",
marginBlockEnd: "1em",
marginInlineStart: "40px",
marginInlineEnd: "40px",
borderLeft: "5px solid #ccc",
margin: "1.5em 10px",
padding: "0.5em 10px 0.5em 10px",
code: { fontFamily: "monospace" },
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Source: Stack Overflow
Solution | Source |
Solution 1 | maxeth |
Solution 2 | zren45 |