'Missing Jupyter Notebook Kernels in VSCode

I have multiple people working on the same AWS EMR cluster to run some Spark jobs. This is being done through Jupyter Notebooks which are created/modified using the Jupyter extension installed on a SSH Target through vscode. The modules are installed on the base conda environment that is included with the /emr/notebook-env/. Some people can see the correct kernel that is associated with the base conda environment in their vscode window when working on notebooks. However, some don't see this kernel as an option. How do I make sure that everyone's vscode lists the appropriate kernel when they are creating new notebooks or modifying existing notebooks?

Solution 1:[1]

The user having the issue had to update their vscode and that fixed the issue

Solution 2:[2]

Another potential reason this could happen is that the Jupyter exentsion of VSCode is not installed.

To add the Jupyter extension for VSCode, search for it by clicking extensions icon in lefthand toolbar, then searching for Jupyter and installing.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Danny
Solution 2 Wilson Sauthoff