'NDK: how to build a lib, so that app can work on arm(s), x86, etc.?

I never used c++ for android and NDK before. When I use it for - say - image processing I want to be sure app will work on all devices with android 2.2 and higher.

When I write for iPhone, xcode compiles 2 binaries for arm7 and arm7s architectures and packs them into the same bundle.

Now I've written a sample NDK app which doesn't want to run on x86 android emulator while running well on my Nexus 7. I think it's obvious that should be the way to make it run both on arm and x86, but still can't find it. Does somebody know? Thanks!

Solution 1:[1]

You need just add to Application.mk this string:

APP_ABI := all

Solution 2:[2]

this could help you i guess,

Sample app porting guidelines : http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/using-the-android-x86-ndk-with-eclipse-and-porting-an-ndk-sample-app


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Solution Source
Solution 1 vinzee
Solution 2 Priya Karchiappan