'No http client metrics for non 200 response codes in Quarkus Micrometer

I have the following Quarkus Rest client code (based on this doc https://quarkus.io/guides/rest-client)

@RegisterRestClient(baseUri = "https://pesho3.free.beeceptor.com")
interface TokenService {

        name = "Authorization",
        value = ["Basic asdasd"]
    fun getToken(
        @FormParam("grant_type") grantType: String = "client_credentials",
        @FormParam("scope") scope: String = "IIG-HIP-NP/Read"
    ): JSONObject

When I call my getToken() method and get http 200 I get automatically generated metrics in localhost:8080/q/metrics (as stated in this doc https://quarkus.io/guides/micrometer#review-automatically-generated-metrics)


http_client_requests_seconds_count{clientName="pesho3.free.beeceptor.com",method="POST",outcome="SUCCESS",status="200",uri="root",} 2.0
http_client_requests_seconds_sum{clientName="pesho3.free.beeceptor.com",method="POST",outcome="SUCCESS",status="200",uri="root",} 1.116203

I don't get any metrics for non 200 codes.. How can I expose them ?

Solution 1:[1]

I found the solution.. Its this property (not mentioned in Quarkus doc)


The answer was in this doc:



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Solution Source
Solution 1 Lucky me