'Open JupyterNotebook from VScode into the Browser

I have opened my .ipynb file with vscode (Python 3.9 Interpreter - installed jupyterlab), it's connected locally, how can I open it through the browser? what is the default port?

Solution 1:[1]

Type: jupyter notebook in vscode terminal (Ctrl + Shift + ~) and it will start Jupyter in browser of your preference.

If jupyter not installed type: pip install jupyter in elevated powershell or however you prefer to do installs.

If pip not installed: python -m pip install -U pip

if python not installed I prefer to install with chocolatey and walkthrough is on their site. https://docs.python-guide.org/starting/install3/win/#install3-windows

Solution 2:[2]

I do not have a solution, but only hints. You can let Code start a local server via Ctrl + Shift + P, then Jupyter connect , then select default.

Unfortunately, it's not documented how you can access the server. I gave that feedback on the documentation page.

enter image description here Source of the image: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/python/jupyter-support#_connect-to-a-remote-jupyter-server

Solution 3:[3]

You can list all running notebooks and their tokens by typing jupyter notebook list in the terminal.
It will output something like this:

Currently running servers:
http://localhost:8889/?token=your_token :: /directory

You can click on the link to open it in the browser.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Gregory Somers
Solution 2 guerda
Solution 3 ???? ?????????