'Passing Vuelidate instance as modal data makes it undefined
I have a Vuelidate instance in a form component. Another parent component includes it and needs to access it's validator instance through a 2-way model binding.
The weird problem is if I set Vuelidate instance in the child for model value, then it set as undefined in the parent component. Bu if a encapsulate it in an object like {validator}
then data pass to parent successfully.
Parent component
<MyForm v-model:modelValidator="formValidator" />
<button @click="log" >Log Model Value</button>
export default {
setup(props) {
const formValidator = ref();
const log= () => {
//logs undefined if vuelidate is assigned directly in the child component
return {log}
Child Component
export default {
props: {
modelValue: null,
modelValidator: null
emits: ["update:modelValue", "update:modelValidator"],
setup(props, { emit }) {
const state = computed({
get: () => props.modelValue,
set: (value) => emit("update:modelValue", value),
const modelValidator = computed({
get: () => props.modelValidator,
set: (value) => emit("update:modelValidator", value),
const validator= useVuelidate({/*Rules...*/}, state);
//CASE A: If I set directly the validator then parent component model value sets undefined
modelValidator.value =validator;
//CASE B: If I set directly the validator enclosed in an object then parent
// component model value sets the expected object with validator. It's OK.
modelValidator.value ={validator:validator};
Solution 1:[1]
Answered by dobromir-hristov at https://github.com/vuelidate/vuelidate/issues/1041
Instead of passing the validator as a prop back to a component, you can rely on our automatic parent-child internal communication.
If a component has useVuelidate called, it will collect all of it's children validation instances. They are not only accessible in the parent, but also augment it's $error and $errors properties, so you can use them as you wish.
Here is an example, using the scopes docs.
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Source: Stack Overflow
Solution | Source |
Solution 1 | Zortext |