'Pyfiglet/Python - Print Pyfiglet ASCII in one line

This is my code to print "x t e k k y" whit a cool ASCII font using pyfiglet, but the output always displays in 2 lines, whith gives a bad aestethic, is there any way to fix that?

from pyfiglet import figlet_format
from termcolor import colored

art = figlet_format("x t e k k y", font='alligator')
c_art = colored(art, 'blue')


output: enter image description here

Solution 1:[1]

set the width property in the format like so

art = figlet_format("x t e k k y", font='alligator', width=110)

Adjust the width until it prints all on one line. The wider the width the wider the 'page' you are printing on. Happy coding!


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Solution Source
Solution 1 Austin Rhoads