'python read zipfile into numpy-array efficiently

I want to read a zipfile into memory and extract its content into a numpy array (as numpy-datatypes). This needs to happen in an extremely efficient/fast manner, since the files are rather big and there are many of them. Unfortunately looking at similiar questions didn't help me, because I couldn't find a way to convert the data into numpy-datatypes at the time of reading. Also the speed turned out to be a big problem.

For example: The zipfile "log_ks818.zip" contains "log_file.csv", which contains the needed data in the following format (yyyymmdd hhnnsszzz,float,float,zero):

20161001 190000100,1.000500,1.000800,0
20161001 190001000,1.001000,1.002000,0
20161001 190002500,1.001500,1.001200,0

The fastest that I managed to do so far (using pandas):

zfile = zipfile.ZipFile("log_ks818.zip", 'r')
df = pd.read_csv(io.BytesIO(zfile.read("log_file.csv")), header=None, usecols=[0, 1, 2], delimiter=',', encoding='utf-8')

However this takes around 6 seconds for ~2,000,000 lines in the file (~80MB if unpacked), which is too slow (plus it's not a numpy object). When I compared the read-in speed of different numpy/pandas-methods, using the extracted file on the hard drive to test, np.fromfile performed the best with 0.08 seconds to simply get it into memory. It would be nice if it was possible to stay in this magnitude when reading the data from the zip-file.

Solution 1:[1]

I think this is not a problem about read speed from disk. Even though you are using HDD, reading 80MB into memory can be done in one second.

Take my experience as an example, the cost of time is determined by the process of uncompressing. If you just work with extracted data, it won't cost you a lot I believe.


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Solution 1 Sraw