'React Native what exactly is the <> (empty) component

In React Native you can encapsulate a set of components in one single <View> (or similar) component. You can also encapsulate a set of components as <> and </>. What are these? Do they just translate to an base View? It's probably not a good practice but it doesn't give a warning and it doesn't crash.

Solution 1:[1]

It's the React shortcut for Fragment component.

You can write like this :

import React, { Component } from 'react'

class Component extends Component {
  render() {
    return <> <ComponentA/> <ComponentB/> </>

Or without the shortcut and import Fragment component

import React, { Component, Fragment } from 'react'

class Component extends Component {
  render() {
    return <Fragment> <ComponentA/> <ComponentB/> </Fragment>

You have to know, you can't use any key or prop with the shortcut syntax.

Here's the official documentation

I hope it helps !

Solution 2:[2]

In addition to what He has said, it is used to embed many HTMLElements that you don't what them to be nested into a <div> for example.

For example, you may have this use cases

render() {
  return (
      <ChildA />
      <ChildB />
      <ChildC />

For more explanation you can read this React Official Documentation Fragment

Solution 3:[3]

In react <> and </> is just a syntactic sugar for <React.Fragment> . What it basically means is all components should be wrapped in a parent element. So without disturbing the whole schematic design <> provides a wrapper to wrap all your elemnts inside it .

// your code

is same as

// your code 

hope it helps

Solution 4:[4]

One of the highlights of React v16.2 is Fragments. If you're working with React projects, you may be familiar with wrapping your child components with <div> or <span> in your render().

Fragment is a first-class component that you can use to wrap your child components and elements in place of <div> or <span> tags. Like so,

    <ChildA />


    <ChildA />

As a shortcut, you can also use empty tags <></> to indicate a fragment. Like so,

    <ChildA />

Solution 5:[5]

If you dont want to put extra divs & spans,

<></> will be nice pick for you

React does the replacement of React.Fragment component there

<></> == <React.Fragment></React.Fragment>


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 Patrissol Kenfack
Solution 3 WangYudong
Solution 4 Dharman
Solution 5 Asd