'Request working in curl but not in postman

This request working with curl

curl 'http://www.express.com/browse/gadgets/store-change-location-more.jsp?changelocation=true&catelogRefId=75116576' -H 'Cookie: JSESSIONID=6D26018EFF8B54EC4022299B2AC7B184.cmhlpecomecm02w2;' --compressed

But the same request not working in post man

Post man request

Request Type : GET

URL : http://www.express.com/browse/gadgets/store-change-location-more.jsp?changelocation=true&catelogRefId=75116576


Cookie: JSESSIONID=6D26018EFF8B54EC4022299B2AC7B184.cmhlpecomecm02w2;

How to make request work with post man too?

Solution 1:[1]

Intermittently happened to me as well. I tried these steps:

  • Go to settings, disable Send Postman Token Header
  • Disable Interceptor (The satellite icon at the top)

Not sure why, but it simply worked!

Solution 2:[2]

In my case, only the requests to localhost were working. This happened after it synchronized with other instances I was logged into.

After I disabled SSL certificate verification in Settings->General, it started working again.

Solution 3:[3]

In my case it was a newline at the end of url in Postman. There actually WAS a newline indicator in url bar, but it looked more like a dirt on the monitor so I missed it. Also the curl WAS in fact generated correctly, but I initially thought it is some issue regarding single or double quotas on Windows so I was changing them and also deleting the newline happily without thinking to make it work ...

Solution 4:[4]

In my case, the request was failing because I was hitting an internal resource being served over HTTPS. Disabling SSL Certificate Validation in the Postman preferences fixed it for me.

Solution 5:[5]

In my case, I'm running an HTTP process in localhost (port 8090)

The curl request generated by pressing the Code button in Postman works fine, returning the expected results i.e:

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:8090/tel-2/customers' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

When I attempt to run it through the GUI I get back an HTTP 400 with an HTML error response as follows (<style> section omitted for brevity).

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">

    <title>HTTP Status 400 – Bad Request</title>

    <h1>HTTP Status 400 – Bad Request</h1>


When I access the URL through the browser also works fine.

I have attempted to re-install Postman but the problem persists. The Postman version that I'm using is Desktop 7.31.1, the latest at the moment.

Finally, I uninstalled Postman desktop completely and the older Chrome version 5.5.5 works as expected.

Solution 6:[6]

Are you behind a proxy? I'm having a similar issue and I believe the issue is the handshaking protocol with the proxy not being applied to the postman application.

Solution 7:[7]

In my case, I was accidentally added extra / e.g: www.test.com//endpoint in Postman address but when saving to CODE, Postman reformatted it and removed extra /.

Solution 8:[8]

My API request was taking around 4000ms to return a response while timeout was set to 1000ms in postman settings.

After I set Settings->General->Request timeout in ms(0 for infinity) to 0, it started working fine.

Solution 9:[9]

My problem isn't directly related to Postman but was in adding an extra / to end of REST resource, so I got 404. The solution is simply do not add extra space for the REST listing resource:

example.com/api/items/ -> example.com/api/items

Solution 10:[10]

My use case was that I was trying to get oauth2 token, and had the client-id and client-secret as key-value pairs in the x-www-form-urlencoded section of the request body.

I kept getting an error saying

     "fault": {
         "faultstring":"Invalid client identifier {0}",
         "detail": {"errorcode":"oauth.v2.InvalidClientIdentifier"}

The solution was to put credentials into the raw section of the request body instead, as follows:


Got the token after that.

Solution 11:[11]

I had to make sure all the hidden auto-generated headers in postman were checked/enabled. I had initially disabled them which was causing this issue for me.

Solution 12:[12]

I had an even sillyer issue!

The cURL created by chrome worked, but when I imported it into Postman it didn't.

Only I'd forgot to change the method type in postman to POST instead of GET ?

Solution 13:[13]

One case not discussed yet: curl will attempt to use HTTP 2 where available, while Postman only supports HTTP 1.1.

I ran into an api that returned a 500 when the connection used 1.1, which meant the calls were working with curl but failing with postman. When I passed the --http1.1 flag to curl, it got the same response as Postman.

More generally, running curl in verbose mode (with the -v flag) can help you figure out what could be different between the two requests.