'Right place to map to Domain in Android clean architecture

Me and my colleague are having a debate as to where would be the right place to map our entity objects or remote dto objects to plain simple domain objects.

Our structure looks like this.

source(includes dao) > repo(includes source) > usecase(includes repo)

My colleague thinks that mapping to domain should be done inside the source so that the domain object could be passed on to the next layers as so

class SomeSourceImpl(private val dao: Dao) : SomeSource {
    override fun get(): Observable<DomainModel> {
        return dao.getResponse().map { it.mapToDomain() }

My colleagues argues that according to Uncle Bob this is due to the dependency rule.

This rule says that source code dependencies can only point inwards. Nothing in an inner circle can know anything at all about something in an outer circle. In particular, the name of something declared in an outer circle must not be mentioned by the code in the an inner circle. That includes, functions, classes. variables, or any other named software entity.

I very much disagree with the approach of mapping to domain directly inside the source because then the repositories become anaemic and we are consequently adopting the anti-pattern of anaemic repositories being useless and all they do is to blindly propagating everything that comes from the source. (Now you may say that sources are also anaemic and we could simply remove them and include the dao object directly into the repo but this is out of the question in our case).

Instead I propose that sources would return the raw database entity (or remote entity if we are into rest calls) as it makes sense for a source to return the raw data for later processing. It's the job of the repo to get the result from the source then map it to domain and lastly propagate this domain object to use cases something like so.

class SomeRepoImpl(private val someSource: SomeSource) : SomeRepo {
    override fun get(haId: String): Observable<DomainModel> {
        return otherAssetSource.get().map { it.mapToDomain() }

I also came across some samples on github where they map to domain inside their repos rather than the sources




Here is one for iOS too

What would be the strict rule in clean architecture principles regarding the place one can map an entity into a domain object?

Solution 1:[1]

Quoting the rule

source code dependencies can only point inwards

That would depend on the architecture I guess. Let me explain this with an example:





NOTE: DOMAIN represents the innermost circle and PRESENTATION represents the outmost circle.

Now DOMAIN is a pure Kotlin module and does not have any Android dependencies. Let's define a repository:

interface ProfileRespository {
    fun getProfile(): Profile?

    fun updateProfile(profile: Profile)

We implement this in the DATA layer(which is an Android library):

class ProfileRepositoryImpl(
    private val networkManager: NetworkManager,
    private val remoteDataSource: ProfileRemoteDataSource,
    private val localDataSource: ProfileLocalDataSource
): ProfileRepository {
    override fun getProfile(): Profile? {
        if(networkManager.isNetworkAvailable) {
        return localDataSource.get()

    override fun updateProfile(profile: Profile) {
class ProfileRemoteDataSource(
    private val api: ProfileApi,
    private val mapper: Mapper<ProfileDto, Profile>
) {
    fun get(): Profile {
        return mapper.toModel(api.getProfile())

    fun update(profile: Profile) {
class ProfileLocalDataSource(
    private val dao: ProfileDao
    private val mapper: Mapper<ProfileEntity, Profile>
) {
    fun insert(profile: Profile) {
        return dao.update(mapper.fromModel(profile))
    fun get(): Profile? {
        return dao.getProfile()?.let(mapper::toModel)
interface Mapper<T : Any, R : Any> {
    fun toModel(value: T): R
    fun fromModel(value: R): T

The LOCAL module is an Android library independent of any dependencies and exposes the DAO and Entity objects:

interface ProfileDao {
    fun insert(profile: ProfileEntity) 
    fun get(): ProfileEntity?

Similarly, for the REMOTE module:

interface ProfileApi {
    fun get(): ProfileDto
    fun update(profile: ProfileDto) 

So, it doesn't make sense for me to have the Source classes return DTO and Entity objects. The repo class would look something like this:

class ProfileRepositoryImpl(
    private val networkManager: NetworkManager,
    private val remoteDataSource: ProfileRemoteDataSource,
    private val remoteDataMapper: Mapper<ProfileEntity, Profile>,
    private val localDataSource: ProfileLocalDataSource,
    private val localDataMapper: Mapper<ProfileDto, Profile>
): ProfileRepository {
    override fun getProfile(): Profile? {
        if(networkManager.isNetworkAvailable) {
            val profile = remoteDataMapper.ToModel(remoteDataSource.get())
        return localDataMapper.toModel(localSource.get())

    override fun updateProfile(profile: Profile) {

In your example, you have taken only the GET operation into consideration. Here, for the UPDATE operation we need to map the DOMAIN object as well. So as we add more functionalities the Repo class would become very messy if the mapping of objects is done in the Repo class.

I believe it would depend on the overall architecture of the system.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1