'Running flipper with expo sdk43

I'm following the instruction in this tweet from an expo dev so that I can use flipper for debugging a bare workflow expo RN app. https://twitter.com/Baconbrix/status/1412923662546608130

  1. I installed flipper on windows per the docs.
  2. Running an emulator with android studio.
  3. The emulator appears in the flipper desktop app.
  4. Added the following to my app.json
 "extra": {
    "flipperHack": "React Native packager is running"
  1. Ran expo start METRO_SERVER_PORT=19000 -a Flipper.app

I get the following error:

The expected package.json path: D:\dev\repos\foretold\foretold-react-native\Flipper.app\package.json does not exist

What am I missing?

Solution 1:[1]

Because it's a command for mac and not windows. From the answer of the tweet you need to use this command : npx cross-env METRO_SERVER_PORT=19000 path/to/Flipper.exe

But for now you can only use react dev tools and console log like any other debugger. You can't use any plugins

Edit : also you don't need to use the hack in app.json anymore


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Solution Source
Solution 1 yoann84