'RuntimeWarning: unknown response content type 'text/html' returning raw response

I tried to use apache jena fuseki in my python code so I found this: https://sparqlwrapper.readthedocs.io/en/latest/main.html

I followed the first example and here is my code:

pip install sparqlwrapper
from SPARQLWrapper import SPARQLWrapper, JSON
sparql = SPARQLWrapper("http://localhost:3030/dataset.html")
    PREFIX ahpo: <http://e-hp.ahp-numerique.fr/ahpo#>
    PREFIX dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>
    SELECT ?letter ?corres ?writingDate
    WHERE {
    ?letter ahpo:sentBy <http://henripoincare.fr/api/items/843>
    ?letter ahpo:sentTo ?y
    ?y dcterms:title ?corres
    ?letter ahpo:writingDate ?writingDate
    ?letter ahpo:citeName <http://henripoincare.fr/api/items/333> }  
    LIMIT 50                                                             
results = sparql.query().convert()

And I got this Error: /home/issam/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/SPARQLWrapper/Wrapper.py:1346: RuntimeWarning: unknown response content type 'text/html' returning raw response... warnings.warn("unknown response content type '%s' returning raw response..." %(ct), RuntimeWarning)

Any solutions ?


Solution 1:[1]

The answer has been already given in the comments under the question, but let me generalize the solution a bit. According to the nice presentation about triple stores, Apache Jena Fuseki uses the following endpoint URLs:

# Read (GET/POST):

# Update (POST):

You can always check what your current setup provides on Fuseki's web GUI:

  • Open http://localhost:3030/ in your browser and navigate to the Info page of your dataset.
  • Available services and their exact URLs should be listed there.

(The above is true at least for Apache Jena Fuseki 4.2 or 4.4)


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1