'Spring R2DBC - Connect to a SQL Server Database using Windows Authentication

trying to connect with MSSQL server with windows authentication using reactive(R2DBC) JDBC driver

#Data Source Configuration
    url: r2dbc:mssql://host:port
    name: dbname
       domain: xyz
       authenticationScheme: NTLM
       integratedSecurity: true
       trustServerCertificate: false
       encrypt: true
    username: user
    password: password
      enabled: true
      initial-size: 100
      max-size: 500
      max-idle-time: 30m
      validation-query: SELECT 

getting following error:

org.springframework.dao.DataAccessResourceFailureException: Failed to obtain R2DBC Connection; nested exception is io.r2dbc.mssql.ExceptionFactory$MssqlPermissionDeniedException: [18456] [S0001] Login failed for user 'user'.

Solution 1:[1]

Try using validation-query: SELECT 1


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Solution Source
Solution 1 juanyee