'submitting the form in iframe and redirect the whole page

I guess I have an easy question, I have not found the right answer yet though. I have an iframe in my page that comes from an external domain. After submitting the form which is inside this iframe, I would like to redirect the whole page, not just the content inside the iframe - I guess the right way to achieve might be via "target" attribute.

The sample html:

    <h1>main page</h1>
    <iframe src="http://example.com">
      <form url="http://example.com/action">

Submitting the form should show me the result of submitting the POST request as a new page (not in the iframe)

Solution 1:[1]

I have put target='_parent' in the iframe but I haven't done this initially in the form element. After adding target='_parent' attribute to form it started to work as expected.

Solution 2:[2]

Add a target attribute to the form within the iframe:

<form action="foobar" method="post" target="_parent">


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 mkk
Solution 2 Flimm