'TinyMCE deletes some <a> tags. Settings ignored
I've been trying to force TinyMCE to not delete my a tags with every setting that is available and have had no luck (also looked at 20+ posts here - most being over a decade old and no working solutions). I'm just going to post what I try to put into the editor and what it removes (along with every setting I've tried).
What the markup should look like:
<a href="#" class="hearmorelink" onclick="window.open('/Mini-Lots-audio.html', 'Voice Over', 'width=320,height=1,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,copyhistory=no,resizable=no');return false;">
<div>Want to hear more?<span style="margin-top: 60px;">CLICK HERE</span></div>
what tinyMCE does to it:
<div>Want to hear more?<span style="margin-top: 60px;">CLICK HERE</span></div>
Maybe not the prettiest HTML ever, but why does it disallow wrapping anything inside an A tag when it's perfectly acceptable HTML5 as per the RFC?
apply_source_formatting: false,
verify_html: false,
trim_span_elements: false,
cleanup: false,
convert_urls: false,
cleanup_on_startup: false,
force_br_newlines: true,
force_p_newlines: false,
allow_script_urls: true,
forced_root_block: false,
valid_elements: '+*[*]',
plugins: [
"advlist autolink autoresize directionality lists link image charmap preview anchor",
"searchreplace visualblocks code fullscreen textcolor",
"insertdatetime media table contextmenu paste"
All the settings seem to be working, but this problem still persists. Because this is needed for 50 or so pages and the HTML is stored and retrieved from a database, I can't hard-code anything in (also - non-HTML people/admins need to use this too).
I am not sure how I can make this work (and, yes, it MUST be a popup so the audio can play while people visit from page to page). Would a plugin help here?
Solution 1:[1]
okay - after doing a few more tweaks, I've found that TinyMCE is stuck in HTML4 (which does not allow block elements inside A tags). HTML5 supports DIV tags inside A tags. I'll just change the markup and tweak the span tag to display like a block with CSS.
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Source: Stack Overflow
Solution | Source |
Solution 1 | MC9000 |