'Unable to integrate RASA chatbot to Facebook page

I have created a new app on Facebook and set up messenger and added an existing page. I have put access token, secret, and verify to credentials.yml file in RASA project.

Using ngrok I created a callback URL and added it to the Facebook callback URL section.

When I enter verify token (token id from messenger app), it shows either callback URL or verify token is not correct. callback URL I got from ngrok. https://XX20a228353.ngrok.io/webhooks/facebook/webhook

Error Screenshot

Solution 1:[1]

Verify token seems to be incorrect.

This should be a simple text (eg rasa-bot) which you need to specify in rasa credentials.yml file as secret. Please refer Rasa documentation -> https://rasa.com/docs/rasa/user-guide/connectors/facebook-messenger/

Solution 2:[2]

You need to verify 4 things:
+ 1st thing
- need to be checked is in your credential.yml

 verify: "MyBot"
 secret: "<Secret_key_from_facebook_app>"
 page-access-token: "<Access_token_you_got_from_facebook_developer>"

The MyBot is what you suppose to put in Verify Token box above.

+ 2nd thing

  • to be check is you need to run rasa run and/or rasa run actions both at the same time if you have custom action

+ 3rd thing to do

  • make sure in endpoints.yml you need to uncomment this

    action_endpoint: url: "http://localhost:5055/webhook" #TODO: Change localhost baseURL to custom server URL that host action server

+ 4th thing to check

  • Make sure you use the port number from the rasa run command, by default it suppose to be 5005 so you can do ngrok http 5005 and use the https one

Hope this help, let's me know if you still have any concern.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Gagandeep Singh
Solution 2